Jar Jar then led Stone and the squad of clones and.

The Senator was killed when the Attack Shuttle was shot down by pirates. In a deal with pirates on Florrum, Stone and some of his men escorted Jar Jar Binks and Senator Kharrus. Commander Stone was a member of the Diplomatic Escort Group in the Coruscant Guard. Please refer to the pictures above for reference. Commander Stone is a playable character in the LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. This addon contains Commander Trauma, and one of his Troopers, as seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 13. For now, you can keep up with our activities intermittently through the Workshop, and through our discord. NSN or No Sleep Network is an upcoming CGI themed Clone Wars RP server. In 20 BBY, when Devaron's Temple of Eedit was attacked by Separatist forces, Trauma fought alongside Halsey and his Padawan Knox in defense of the Temple. "Trauma" was the nickname of an Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper and Clone Commander, who served under in a unit led by Jedi Master Halsey during the Clone Wars. This addon was created by and for No Sleep Network CWRP.