I hope I can help you in some way and thank you for reading.One of the things that definitely hasn’t aged quite well in Skyrim is the way characters look. I looked for this file and that's when I found the fix.

I saw a user named Julle64 mentioning about the author saying it was glitched and had to do with a WIP feature called face overlays and to disable it in the skee.ini. I checked it's Nexus mod page and looked at comments.

I activated each one individually to see which was causing it. So I finally built up the energy to painstakingly test each and every mod I had installed. I disabled all mods and the flickering was gone. I tried Lija's guide for clearing appcache and recaching but that didn't fix the issue. I clean wiped my display drivers in safe-mode and installed new drivers and that didn't fix the issue. I thought my graphics card was dying because of this. Instead, the light from the sun and candles was artifacting. What was happening in my game is not exactly like that because that video is showing texture artifacting. This would be the best example of what the flickering looked like: This change also seems to affect old saves. I tested it and it has fixed all the artifacting and flickering so no need to downgrade. Open it and look for "bEnableFaceOverlays=1" and change the value to 0.

Go to this directory: "*\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\" and and open skee.ini or skee64.ini. Also, allegedly the mod author is aware of the issue and said it will be corrected in v0.3.3.

If you don't have this mod then this fix probably is not going to fix your issue. If you are suddenly experiencing light and effects artifacting and flickering then this should fix your issues as long as you have the mod Racemenu SE v0.3.2. The first thing I did when I got this problem was search the Steam forums and couldn't find anything so I'm posting this here. Hi, thanks to Julle64 on Nexus for mentioning this fix.